Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Listen, Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is One. Love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them be a symbol on your forehead. Write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.”
(Deuteronomy 6:4-9)

Recently I came across this precious tribute to “Dad” from an anonymous author. It is simply entitled: “A Letter To Dad”

There are so many things I’d like To tell you face to face;
I either lack the words or fail to find the time and place.
But in this special letter, Dad, you’ll find, at least in part,
The feelings that the passing years have left within my heart.

The memories of childhood days and all that you have done,
To make our home a happy place and growing up such fun!
I still recall the walks we took, the games we often played;
Those confidential chats we had while resting in the shade.

This letter comes to thank you, and, for needed words of praise;
The counsel and the guidance, too, that shaped my grown-up days.
No words of mine can tell you, Dad, the things I really feel;
But you must know my love for you is lasting, warm and real.
You made my world a better place, and through the coming years;
I’ll keep these memories of you as cherished souvenirs.

I think more families would be healthy and there would be a massive decline in divorce if more families had a father in the home the way I had a father in my home. My dad modeled for his five children his convictions about right and wrong, about morality and immorality. And it is clear from my siblings that he has passed on biblical values to his children by the way he modeled those values in his own life. God reminds us that His words must be on our hearts before we can impress them upon the hearts and minds of our children. And if we wish for our sons and daughters to accept the idea that there are absolute standards of right and wrong, then we must let them see that we believe it ourselves. We cannot impart truth apart from honest, meaningful relationships. We are to teach diligently when we sit, walk, lie down, and rise up. In other words, God wants us to teach his truths in every relational interaction with our children -- even the most mundane.

I am proud to say that my dad modeled Christlikeness for me. The impact of his influence in his children is reflected in his grandchildren and I am confident it will be seen and felt for generations to come.

Thank you Dad for teaching me right from wrong. Thank you Dad for helping me understand what it means to sacrificially love your wife. Thank you Dad for teaching me how to be loving father. Most of all, thank you Dad for modeling Christ to me. You made God a part of your everyday life experiences. You taught your children to see God in all aspects of life, not just those that are church related. So, thank you Dad for pointing us to Heaven. I love you dad! Happy Father’s Day!
