Monday, December 20, 2010

The Advent of Peace

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased." (Luke 2: 14)

Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.”

(John 14:27)

Jesus is not to us as Christmas is to the world, here today and gone tomorrow. That is the true meaning of his coming. That is the meaning of our Savior, Christ and Lord. “Glory to God in the highest” is a descriptive word of heaven. The dwelling place of God and on earth brings perfect peace as Christ comes to dwell among men.

Today, men everywhere are talking about peace. In Washington, in the Middle East, in Iraq, many are trying to produce peace. There is no peace on earth except among men in whom “God is well pleased.” That’s the basis of God’s peace.

This little boy passing from babyhood, from childhood, and youth will stand about thirty years of age on the verge of his Messianic mission. He is baptized, and follows his baptism with a great teaching and healing ministry, calling men to repentance. He marches to Calvary and sheds his blood. He becomes the ultimate sacrifice so that you and I would be made pleasing to God. He conquers the grave and triumphantly returns to the Father as our victorious King.

He leaves us with a precious gift: His personal peace. This is the end result of the Holy Spirit’s work in our lives – a deep and lasting peace. Christ’s peace ensures us that, despite any and all circumstance, we have no need to fear the present or the future. Let’s make sure this is the message we proclaim.

In the Indian Ocean there is a Christmas Island; an almost lost, isolated speck of land. There is another Christmas Island, an equally isolated speck of land almost lost in the Pacific Ocean. Christmas is always an island; an island of hope in a world of despair, an island of love in a world of indifference, an island of giving in a self-centered world.

All we could ever imagine, could ever hope for, He is.... He is the Prince of Peace whose first coming has already transformed society but whose second coming will forever establish justice and righteousness.

Dr. Derek