“But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.” (Philippians 3:20-21)
Our citizenship is in heaven! Our home is His home. Just spend some time letting that sink in. And if you will stop and think about it: Our name is written there. Our citizenship is there. Our God is there. Our Savior is there. Our inheritance is there. Our deceased family and friends are there. So much of us is already there.
The Bible teaches us that the things we can see on this earth are only temporary. We look in the mirror and see our aging bodies, and realize that they are temporary. Our bodies get sick, hurt, grow old, and eventually die. Followers in Christ have the hope that life in this world is not the end.
Someday we will have a perfect body that will never die, like the one Christ has now. We will receive a body of glory.
How is this possible? What about martyrs burned alive, devoured by lions, and millions of others, particles of whose decaying bodies, through various stages of disintegration on land and sea? How? It is because God knows where every speck of human dust is hidden.
By the exertion, the energy of the power [dynamite] of the One that death, hell, and the grave could not hold! How great is our God! How awesome is He! How sad that anyone would miss eternal glory!
So, we can rejoice today that we have been inducted in a “Hall of Fame” that is much more valuable than the one in Cooperstown. We are in God’s Hall of Fame. Rejoice in His saving grace today.
Your name may not appear down here,
In this world’s hall of fame,
In fact you may be so unknown,
That no-one knows your name!
Our Halls of fame are only good
As long as time shall be;
But keep in mind, God’s Hall of fame,
Lasts for eternity!
To have your name inscribed up there
Is greater yes by far,
Than all the Halls of Fame down here
And every man made star.
Man on earth will soon forget
The heroes of the past;
They cheer you on until you fall;
How long will your fame last?
But God, He never does forget,
And in His Hall of Fame,
By just believing in his Son,
Proud, you’ll find your name.
Accepting His Son died for me
Was all it really took,
For God to take His pen,
And write me in His book.
For every famous name on earth
Or glory that we share;
I’d rather be unknown down here,
And have my name up there.
I tell you friend, I wouldn’t trade
My name, however small,
In His book, beyond the stars
...In His celestial Hall.
Until Next Week,
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