Tuesday, August 18, 2009


No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life. Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you. Be strong and courageous, for you shall cause this people to inherit the land that I swore to their fathers to give them. Only be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:5-9)

Robert E. Lee is a fascinating leader to study. He was always able to do more with less. His soldiers lined up to fight for him. It was even said that, with the war all but lost, Lee’s soldiers were prepared to fight on if he would only give the orders. What was it about General Lee that inspired such loyalty among his followers? Was it his rank as a general? Other generals certainly did not enjoy such loyalty. Was it his ability to court-martial traitors or his ability to strategize for maximum effectiveness? The simple fact is Lee’s soldiers followed him because of who he was.

How do you live a life that moves others to follow? Well, often we focus on all the perfunctory things instead of the main thing: “Become the kind of person that others want to follow.” Blackaby says, “Instead of developing the appearance of a leader, why not develop the character of a leader.”

It has never been easier to create the image of a leader than it is today! With the right kind of help, leaders can be groomed for positions of great responsibility rather than the inner development that results in impeccable character. In short, spiritual leadership is based on the work of the Holy Spirit. A leader must bring more to his people than a bright smile. A leader must be one who has bathed in the power of God’s Spirit. Blackaby says there are three illegitimate ways people gain influence over others:

Position – Many today seek influential positions without developing a character to match their assignment. I love what Oswald Sanders said in his book on Spiritual Leadership: “Should it not be the office that seeks the man, rather than the man the office?”

Power – “Christian leaders also invite rebellion when they use force to achieve their organizational goals.” I have personally seen pastor friends use strong-arm tactics to get their personal agenda’s through. I have heard pastors use the pulpit as a soapbox stand to literally rip into their church members who disagreed with them. I have seen leaders, like Blackaby describes, who “lobby for support from influential church members as if they were seeking to get a bill passed through Congress.”

Personality – When position and power do not produce the desired results many revert to their “charming personality.” Fortunately for me, I don’t have a charming personality. But then, my wife says I can revert to my good looks. By the way, Julie does wear strong glasses! J

Blackaby then asks: “What then are the standards by which true spiritual leaders can be measured?”

God’s Authentication – Influence as a leader is never greater than those times when God chooses to affirm leaders before the eyes of their people. God’s authentication is the first and most important test of legitimacy. When you study the lives of Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Deborah, and especially the life of Jesus, you will find visible evidence of God’s hand upon their lives. How do we know when God’s hands are upon our leaders? I believe it when they look like Christ!

Encounters with God - Blackaby says people do not choose to become spiritual leaders. Spiritual leadership flows out of a person’s vibrant, intimate relationship with God. Spiritual leaders meet God in profound, life-changing ways.

Character/Integrity – Spiritual leaders ought to be known for their honesty. We have all heard the saying, character is best defined as “who we are in the dark.” Integrity must be paramount in the life of a leader. And when a leader’s character/integrity is attacked without basis, the leader must know that God will vindicate His own. And I will tell plainly: HE WILL!

A Successful Track Record – Consistent, long-term success will bring the greatest level of credibility to any leader. “Success can be a sign that God is blessing a leader.” However, we must make sure we are measuring success the way God measures success. Faithfulness is the key. Therefore, respect cannot be demanded. It must be earned.

Leaders can gain a higher degree of influence through patterns of obedience and growth. That’s the “proven track record” we must seek for our lives and our ministries. L.R. Scarborough, the second president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, issued this challenge to spiritual leaders: “If your place is not great enough to suit you, make it so. The minister who is unable to make a place great is too weak to hold a great one.”

– Billy Graham was once asked if he could do some things over, what would he do? He stated, “I would speak less and study more.” Preparation brings profound confidence to leaders. Blackaby says, “The most successful leaders have been the ones who did their homework thoroughly.” Preparation for ministry success means spiritual leaders will invest significant blocks of time to training, study, discipline, and hard work.

The most significant thought that permeated this chapter for me is the simple, yet profound thread woven through the chapter: Spiritual influence does not come automatically, haphazardly, or easily. It is not something upon which leaders can insist. It is something God must produce in you!

Until Next Week,

Dr. Derek