Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Leader's Rewards

“As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing.” (2 Timothy 4: 5-8)

I hope you have enjoyed our review of Henry Blackaby’s leadership masterpiece. The last chapter of Spiritual Leadership deals with the leader’s rewards. He describes them as both spiritual and personal. The spiritual rewards: God’s affirmation, and the fulfillment of our calling. He summarizes both by stating: “No other reward could possibly equal the joy that comes from knowing almighty God is pleased with you and what you have done with your life.” It just blows my mind to think of all God had in store for me when He called me into ministry as a teenager!

What about the personal rewards of leadership? Blackaby groups them into four categories: the rewards of integrity, of having made a contribution, of relationships, and the influence that God allows you to have on others. The personal fulfillment that comes from ministry is hard to put into words. There is an enormous satisfaction that comes from knowing you are walking in the center of God’s will. There is a tremendous blessing that comes with knowing God has used your life to move others forward in their quest for Christlikeness.

My greatest fulfillment comes when I get to share Christ and see people transferred from darkness to light, from death to sin to life in Christ, from hell to heaven, from separation to surrender. I enjoy listening to people share their faith story with me as they prepare for baptism. I enjoy watching the lights come on when the Word is preached and people get it! I enjoy listening to children quote Scripture. I am thankful that families allow me to minister at bedsides when a loved one is exiting this life.

I would never have dreamed I would get the privilege to shepherd so many wonderful people over the course of the 29 plus years since I surrendered to the call of God on my life. Blackaby is exactly right when he says, “Leadership is not about positions, but about relationships – with God and people.” Some of my dearest friends are the direct result of God allowing me to be their shepherd. I can truly say that moving people onto God’s agenda is a greater endeavor and honor than I ever imagined.

I pray that I never stop growing. I pray that I never stop hungering and thirsting for righteousness. I pray that I never stop loving the dear ones God has entrusted to my care. I pray that I never cease to proclaim the excellencies of the One who saved me and called to a life proclaiming the name of the King of Kings.

Two weeks ago, I attended my thirtieth high school class reunion. Just the sound of that makes me reach for cholesterol and arthritis medication. One of my dearest high school friends that I had the honor of performing his wedding ceremony and later preaching his deacon ordination message, shared with me that he has officially retired from his career after some 25 years. As I drove back to Jacksonville later that night, I could not help but reflect on my almost 30 years of ministry. My prayer then and my prayer now is that I never grow weary of the demands of ministry, and that I will recognize when I need to allow a younger man to take the reins when I can no longer keep up the demands of multiple services.

Today, will you pause and thank God for the privilege of knowing Him? Will you praise Him for the grip He has on your life? Will you honor Him for the all the close relationships you have as a result of being united with His spiritual family? Will you thank Him for the honor you have to serve His church in whatever capacity God allows? Until Heaven calls, will you commit your life afresh and anew to the upward call of Christlikeness?

Casting Future Crowns,

Dr. Derek