Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Precious In His Sight

Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” Psalm 116:15

Julie and I met Bill and Eloise Terry approximately 9 years ago. Bill was on a pastor search committee assigned to locate the worst preacher he could find and that landed him at my door. What began as a casual acquaintance early one morning in Kentucky turned out to be a friendship that will one day be renewed in heaven. Let me restate: it will be perfected in heaven.

Friday, after a battle with Alzheimer’s, Bill laid down his battle, closed his earthly eyes, and marveled at the brilliance his eternal destination. He has seen the face of Jesus. Perhaps even now he is talking with Adam about Eden, with Noah about the Ark, with Moses about deliverance, with Elijah about chariots of fire, with Lazarus about the resurrection from the dead, with Paul about the Damascus Road, etc. Bill always had a deep love for Biblical preaching. He may be talking with Adrian Rogers today!

Bill, age 76, lived his life for the glory of God. He used his profession as a urologist to advance his real desire, and that was to share the love of Jesus Christ with others. Bill loved people and wanted to see them connect to Jesus Christ in such a way that it altered their lives forever. He constantly encouraged men to be godly. Here is a paragraph from his obituary:

He was instrumental in organizing the local Christian Businessmen's Committee and starting the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast. He served as the chairman for the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast for 10 years. Upon giving up that chairmanship, he devoted his time to meeting with men to share with them the importance of being a good husband and father. He hosted several Dad the Family Shepherd conferences for men as well as Biblical Portrait of Marriage seminars for couples and financial seminars teaching couples the importance of managing their money and staying out of debt. If asked his purpose in life, his reply would have been, "To go to heaven and to take as many people with me as I can."

That describes the heart of Bill Terry. He was a loving husband, father, and grandfather. He was a Sunday school teacher, a deacon, a faithful servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.

One day Bill, in the early stages of his disease, walked into my office and asked me if I liked to listen to preaching. He said he had a few sermon tapes that he wanted to give me. The truth is Bill had heard me preach for about 3 years and knew I needed all the help I could get. Later that afternoon he dropped off two boxes crammed with taped sermons by Adrian Rogers and John MacArthur (my two favorite preachers). He had given me a precious gift. To this day I never reach for a message that my friendship with Bill Terry doesn’t flood my mind.

I love Bill and Eloise Terry. Their love for one another was magnetic. Their marriage served as a model for young couples to emulate. Their home was constantly warm and inviting, with every picture a message about faith and family.

Bill constantly reminded me to keep my priorities straight. He would often say, “Pastor, don’t forget your family! Spend time with them because you will only have them for a little while.” He constantly reminded me that a shepherd focuses on faith and family before the flock. Thank you Bill for helping me understand my role as “Dad the Family Shepherd!”

Bill loved Jesus Christ. He longed to see His face and to behold the eternal marks of redemption on His body. In closing, I share this poem I came across in honor his honor:

God’s Perfect Lamb

“Mary had a little lamb, His soul was white as snow.

And anywhere His Father sent, the Lamb was sure to go.

He came to earth to die one day, the sin of man to atone.

And now He reigns in heaven above, He’s the Lamb upon the Throne.”

Until Next Week,

Dr. Derek